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The Early Memories Procedure (EMP, 1989) is a method of exploring personality organization, especially current life concerns, based on an individual’s memories of the past. EMP is particularly useful for identifying the major unresolved issue in an individual’s life. It is believed to be the only projective test of autobiographical memory. Bulk orders include free manual.

 $15.95 copy 

$135/10 comes with free “The Early Memories Procedure Manual”

$300/25 comes with free “The Early Memories Procedure Manual” 

$1,000/100 comes with free “The Early Memories Procedure Manual” 




Memories of Father (MOF, 1993) is a structured method of exploring the relationship, lifetime, with father (or a paternal surrogate), based upon the individual’s memories of this relationship. MOF is recommended for individuals who have experienced a conflicted relationship with their father for some period in their lives and suspect that patterns arising from that relationship may be affecting their lives now. It is believed to be the only projective test of autobiographical memory that focuses exclusively on this relationship.

$15.95 copy 






Memories of Mother (MOM, 1993) is a structured method of exploring the relationship, lifetime, with mother (or a maternal surrogate), based upon the individual’s memories of this relationship. MOM is recommended for individuals who have experienced a conflicted relationship with their mother for some period in their lives and suspect that patterns arising from that relationship may be affecting their lives now. It is believed to be the only projective test of autobiographical memory that focuses exclusively on this relationship.

$15.95 copy 






Romantic Relationships Procedure (RRP, 1989) is a structured method of exploring romantic relationships as a class, or type, of relationship. It will come as no surprise to most of you that romantic relationships are ‘the ultimate challenge” for most people. What is surprising is that there have been relatively few attempts to examine these relationships, given the enormity of the problem for so many people. RRP explores the most significant romantic relationships. It is believed to be the only test of autobiographical memory that focuses exclusively on this type of relationship.

$15.95 copy 







Memories of Spouse (MOS, 1993) is a structured method of exploring the spousal relationship, based upon the individual’s memories of this relationship. MOS is recommended for individuals who are considering marital therapy and want to undertake a review of this relationship to re-connect with what attracted them to each other in the first place and to identify the nature of the experiences have compromised the quality of that relationship during its duration. It is believed to be the only projective test of autobiographical memory that focuses exclusively on this relationship.

$15.95 copy 





Bruhn, A.R. (1989). The Early Memories Procedure Manual, 12 pages.

The Early Memories Procedure Manual is designed to provide guidance to clinicians using the procedure in their clinical practice. This includes an overview of the test material, including the contents and purpose of the probes; preparation of the subject; debriefing subjects and where to find training on interpretation.



Last, J. & Bruhn, A.R. (1991). The Comprehensive Early Memories Scoring System–Revised, 22 pages.

CEMSS is the scoring system for early memories, comparable to John Exner’s comprehensive system for the Rorschach. The CEMSS utilizes six categories to score early memories plus a seventh category called content and process themes discovered by Arnold Bruhn.  The content and process themes describe ways that individuals categorize their life experiences and are designed to reveal life preoccupations highlighting current critical concerns. The validity of these themes has been assessed by various researchers and found to be promising in a number of areas of personality assessment.



Interpretation of Early Memories and Supplemental Procedures:

I can provide either a full interpretation of a protocol (see Publications, Bruhn 1990 a, pp. 132-141, or 1992 b for examples), or a summary interpretation, which will focus on the most important data from throughout the protocol (Bruhn 1990 a, see pp. 140-41). If you prefer a summary, you will receive an overview and synthesis of issues, as given in the sample protocol. The written report will be fairly short, but it will hone in on what you most need to know.



If you would like to be notified when Dr. Bruhn’s book, Autobiographical Memories and Personality: The ‘Last Lecture‘, is published, please email your name and email address.  Included are specifics about how to interpret autobiographical memories and a theory of how mind and autobiographical memory interact and influence each other. We will present a method on how to assess autobiographical memories and resolve the issues discovered via memories work.  Anticipated publication date: late 2017.

Click HERE for detailed description.


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