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The Early Memories Procedure (EMP) & Cognitive-Perceptual (CP) Therapy
We recall certain events vividly but others that various family members consider equally important not at all. Cognitive-Perceptual (CP) theory proposes we recall what is important to us now, and these recollections change over time to reflect our current perspective and world view. Early memories reflect the issues we have unconsciously chosen to work on now. Pertinent memories are sampled in the EMP following the first visit and interpreted in the second when a treatment approach is sketched out to address the issues posed in the EMP. CP therapy is designed to help clients understand the issues that are causing their anxiety, depression and the like by the end of the second session so that resolution can begin as early in the treatment process as possible.
An average patient can literally spend months in therapy and never fully understand what brought them there in the first place. Research suggests that only half of patients find relief from their symptoms after 15 to 19 therapist visits.[1]
It’s clear from our national conversation about healthcare that we will no longer stand for ineffective treatment. The Early Memories Procedure (EMP) presents a solution to this problem with an approach that reveals unresolved issues in just three hours.
I created the Early Memories Procedure to help people struggling with issues that are holding them back in their lives. The EMP is based on the theory that negative memories tell us who we are, where we are stuck and suggest how we can move on. As soon as patients identify these memories, they begin their journey of self-discovery. This is the first step to learning how to control their behavior and how to function more effectively when confronted with life’s challenges.
How well does this work? I used the EMP in a 20-session program designed to help prison inmates identify the problems that brought them into the legal system. Those prisoners participating in this National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) sponsored study were half as likely to end up in jail during the follow-up period.[2]
Who can benefit from cognitive-perceptual therapy and the early memories procedure? Every person struggling in life for self-understanding. Every person who wants to understand their problems now so they can start learning how to become a more effective person and find true happiness.
To learn how Early Memories Procedure (EMP) and Cognitive Perceptual (CP) Therapy can help you, contact Arnold Bruhn PhD.
[1] Hansen NB, Lambert MJ. An evaluation of the dose-response relationship in naturalistic treatment settings using survival analysis. Ment Health Serv Res. 2003 Mar;5(1):1-12. http://bit.ly/2pbVe3C
[2] Richards HJ, Casey JO, Lucente, SW. Psychopathy And Treatment Response In Incarcerated Female Substance Abusers. Criminal Justice and Behavior April 2003 vol. 30 no. 2 251-276. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/psychopathy-and-treatment-response-incarcerated-female-substance